土炮遊樂場在土瓜灣介入社區「玩點」項目,駐留創作人走進社區,街坊鄰里也常聚在牛棚參與項目外,父母非常 放心孩子下課趕來玩樂,自由地創造他們的遊戲;街坊梁伯退休後找到他的實驗空間,在牛棚種草藥,分享涼茶 外,他自由出入並撿拾社區的物資製作木椅給街坊,解決駐留創作人的製作技術。社區的交往靜靜地開展,並延伸 了區外的人參加土炮遊樂場的各樣附屬的工作坊,區外孩子和父母、銀青、女傭,還有在學青年的加入義工團。 海外的社區參與項目,使我們對不同文化社區的的發展脈絡,理解社區實踐在另一空間的政治和經濟發展的社會問 題,有機的空間和文化轉變,開拓我們的視野和經驗。 兩年來,我們的成員Cissy更細綿地回應街坊的想法和興趣,調整空間的需要;Angel是個天使,組織能力和付出 超乎想像;阿棠是整個社區的連系主力,他的社區動察和實踐力一如他的堅定眼神來自初心;還有,沒料到Alex不 僅是行政管理,還親力親為參與各項目運作,尤其對社區裡盲人工廠的深入調研,延伸社區裡被隱藏的歷史,這將 是我們下一章章的社區書寫。 土炮遊樂場,以藝術為中介的創作理念,是社區和仝人的實驗,我們期待更多的社區發現,並延伸我們各樣的創作 可能。
Neighborhoods often gather at the Cattle Depot to participate in the Play-form project organised by Play Depot in To Kwa Wan. Parents are relieved to let their children come to play after school and create their games freely. After retiring, Uncle Leung found his experimental space. In addition to planting herbs in Cattle Depot and sharing herbal tea, he freely went in and picked up materials from the community to make wooden chairs for the neighborhood, solving the production techniques of the resident creators. Communities are quietly extended, and people outside the district participate in various auxiliary workshops at Cattle Depot. Children and parents outside the district, retirees, maids, and youths are joining as volunteers. Overseas community projects allowed us to understand the context and development of different cultural communities, recognise the different community practices in political and economic development situations, aware of organic spatial and cultural changes, and expand our horizons and experience.