軸物行者在車房集中地的土瓜灣,以廢棄車呔和木版為材 料,讓家長與孩子一同組裝和粉飾滑
板車。在製作的過 程中,喚回父母的童心,讓他們陪伴子女玩耍,一同享 受遊戲的時光。最後,不
同的家庭聚在一起,感受在豐 盛的物質生活中親子共同遊戲的意義。
Wheel Things Maker creates a platform for parents and their children to assemble and
decorate their scooters with unwanted tyres and wood boards from the garages in To
Kwa Wan. Quality family time, sometimes a luxury in today's society, awakens the parents'
heart of youth and becomes unforgettable memories for the children for years to